A Day On The Boat

2006 December 26

Created by Matthew Nash 15 years ago
We were all struggling to think of things to do on Boxing Day so Judy's brother Richard offered to take us all on his boat 'Zeberdee'. Judy and Jason hadn't officially moved to Devon so they had to drop off some of their presents at their old house in Chesham,Buckinghamshire. So off they went while Me,Richard(My Brother),Victoria,Karen,Glen,Marie,Dave and Richard (Judy's Brother)drove off to the boat moored near Uxbridge. After about an hour of travelling we reached the boat, after about five minutes Richard's phone rang,It was Judy saying they couldn't remember the way! After about ten minutes they arrived. So then our adventure began,Me Richard and Mum walked up to the boat to get It ready, we had to switch on quite a lot of things like switching on the fridge and lots more. Finally we were ready to go, I drove the boat down to where everyone was eagerly waiting to get on board, once everyone was onboard and we had lit the fire and had filled up the boat with some more petrol for our trip becuase nobody knew how long we were going to be on the boat for. After a while we all got hungry and Nan being Nan had packed us all a picnic lunch. After lunch was eaten, we carried on towards a Pub (typical us!)After about two hours we reached the Pub where we stopped and got off for a drink In the Pub. After we had finished our drinks we clambered back onboard the boat. We had to switch the lights on becuase It was getting dark and then we piloted off into the sunset. At about 7:30pm we arrived back at Uxbridge where we said our goddbyes to Richard (Judy's Brother) and then we drove back to Marie and Daves house for bubble and squeak