So Low

2009 February 11

Created by Jason 16 years ago
After everything I wrote the other day, why do I feel so low now! I nearly didn't come in to work yesterday and today I feel just as bad. I just miss her so much! I can't bear the thought of another day without her. Why has this happened? My life is so empty, so utterly un-liveable. I feel like everything I am doing is just a facade. It has no meaning. I only get up in the morning and do what I do because that is what everyone expects me to do. Oh good old Jason! He'll be fine. He is brave. He is strong. He'll get through this. But will I? How will I? No one has any clue how I'm feeling, and no one has any way to help me. So they just blindly hope that I will be ok. Well they might be in for a terrible shock one of these days. With my darling girl taken from me, with all this terrible debt, and this utter isolation there is only so much a person can take. Only so long I can go on pretending that I am doing fine.